Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Think Quick!

What comes to mind right this second is this...

If you neglected your blog for so long that when you come back to it and see your last post is of your daughters 6th Birthday...and then realized her birthday is now 3 months away... you might be a redneck.

If your sitting in your pj's at 3:00pm needing to get dressed so you can run to the store for 3 things,with 4 kids in tow,but you stop to log into your blog you haven't touched in 9 months...then you might be a redneck.

ahhhh tis my life.

I haven't the energy to thoroughly recap the last 9 or so months because that could take another 9 months.

My brain is on a waterslide going through all the twists & turns and now I'm in the toilet bowl slowly going round and round before being sucked down the dark tunnel into the unknown. Hopefully there is a light at the end of it.

2 Majors of 2010
  • Recenlty Olivia's allergy levels went up even further. We drove 2 hours to an allergy clinic where they did their own allergy testing on her arm. Doc says no allergies present,but we're not sure why she was allergic,and to what/nor what caused it,but to feed her normal food and see if she reacts. I feel like I've been brain washed for the last year of cooking 4x a day for her and hours upon hours of research. I hounded over her for a good month making sure she was ok. She has had a couple breakouts but I think it's from the dog dander. Other than that she is a happy camper eating foods again. I do worry that the 'trigger' will present itself at a later date and then we're back to square one again.

  • In November my girls and I were in a car accident on the freeway. I slowed down to go around debri in the road from a jeep that had rolled just minutes before. When I got passed the accident and was free & clear (going about 45mph) I was hit from behind from a lady doing probably 70+. Apparently a car was in between us and when that car moved I was there and she didn't have time to stop. She ramped her car under mine (I have an SUV). I didn't know what really happened until I actually started to drive again and realized her front end was still under my car,so I drove off her hood and managed to get over 3 lanes to the shoulder. My girls were crying & I was deathly cared to look at them. Thank the Lord above we were all ok and no other cars were involved. The lady walked away from the accident. My daughters collarbones are sore and my oldest and I are still going to PT for our knees hitting the dash. I have TMJ (jaw) from the car accident that happened instantly. My right side of my face,jaw,above eye,ear,down my neck,all of it is on fire with pain. I'm so sick and tired of it. I had an MRI from my neuro (remember neck fusion 1 yr ago?!) but all was ok & sent to dentist for TMJ. Dentist said it looks like I have an extreme case and is sending me out of town to a Jaw Specialist. I can't get in until the end of March. I am seeing a massage therapist tomorrow who says she specializes in TMJ relief. I'll take anything,it hurts so stinking much.

  • Other piddlies: Got a job at a Gym so I could get myself & family a free membership..great idea right? Worked out for about a month then got into the car accident & re-injured my knee. Couldn't stand at the counter for hours so I had to quit,not to mention I wouldn't be working out for a while. But then I was kind of over it too. My heart is at home :)

  • I've missed you blog.