All that fun started going downhill quickly. Less than one month later we found out Olivia had allergies = no restaurant outings. So I found a different hotel with a full kitchen and close to downtown so we could eat at 'home' and then head back out to the fun! no biggie.. minor speed bump.
Jonah's baseball season started at the end of April. We were given his baseball schedule and saw he had a game the next week on none other than Friday- my Birthday aka the day we were supposed to leave to Seattle and Saturday. Oh boy. Obviously he was going to miss the Saturday game because of the races,but the Friday one too?? oh my.. Then right after getting handed the schedule we get handed the team pictures envelope and were told that pictures were Saturday morning at 9:30am. Jeez Louis!!!!
Needless to say we drastically
The motocross was fun but the kids were really fidgety and bored which made for a long day. On the way to our awesome hotel after the race I prayed for there to be a Starbucks close. We all but pulled into the parking lot at the hotel and I hadn't spotted a Starbucks yet..but wait..could it be? directly across the street behind the hotel? Taa daaa... Starbucks! Thank you Lord!!!!! It was actually what we saw when we looked out our hotel bedroom window-hahaha. God loves me :)
We went to bed at 1:00am..and I woke up wide awake at 7am. One kid got up after me so I woke the other two up and we headed downstairs to eat breakfast while dad slept.
We ate,snuck back into the room to change into our swimsuits then headed back downstairs to the pool. We were alone in the pool for maybe 10 minutes before it got overloaded with kids.
We stayed for an hour & a half then called it a morning and headed back to our room. We took a middle elevator up and I pointed 'that way' and we headed down to our room on the 5th floor down in the corner. We walked up to our door,wrapped in towels and holding wet life jackets, and I notice the door was cracked open-the dead bolt flip lock was blocking the door from closing all the way. Hmmm that does NOT sound like my husband. I pushed the door open and to my surprise there were 4 grown men sitting on the couch & chairs!! I gasped "oh dear Lord" and one of the guys said "well hellooo...". I Gasp again while I quickly said "sorry I have the wrong room" and bolted down the hall and out of sight as fast as I could. Ok the hotel is 5 stories and big and beautiful,but how did I get so confused???
Let see..2 elevators on that end.... (2 more elevators on opposite corners also)

a big walkway across the middle....

each corner looked like this...
I guess I shouldn't have gotten up at 7am after all huh? YIKES! We changed and headed straight over to Starbucks..Mama needed her coffee..bad.
a big walkway across the middle....
each corner looked like this...
We loaded up and headed down to the Fremont District.

I purchased a cookbook back in February called "The Flying Apron" which happened to be created from an actual bakery in Seattle. So cool! This book has been a life saver to me for making goodies for Olivia,so it was a must that we stop in and grab a baked delight before we left. I had emailed them a month prior asking about certain ingredients and wondering what things Olivia could and couldn't have,the sweet guy wrote me back with answers and told me he was leaving a $5 voucher behind the counter with my name on it. Wow that was nice of him! While I was ordering,Laini took some pictures of the artwork hanging in the bakery.

I purchased a cookbook back in February called "The Flying Apron" which happened to be created from an actual bakery in Seattle. So cool! This book has been a life saver to me for making goodies for Olivia,so it was a must that we stop in and grab a baked delight before we left. I had emailed them a month prior asking about certain ingredients and wondering what things Olivia could and couldn't have,the sweet guy wrote me back with answers and told me he was leaving a $5 voucher behind the counter with my name on it. Wow that was nice of him! While I was ordering,Laini took some pictures of the artwork hanging in the bakery.
It's a small bakery and on the way to the bathroom there are quite a few old shabby-chic doors with glass in the middle as the 'wall' separating the hallway from the kitchen. It was fun to watch them prepare everything. We ate our goodies and walked up the street to see the "Troll" under the bridge.
My kids are hard core. They don't do things leisurely and to enjoy the moment. They get way too excited over things and I'm constantly telling them to slow down,we're not in a hurry,relax and enjoy. When they're busy bodied I just know they're going to get hurt.
...And wouldn't you know it, leave it to a public place to show their hard core-ness. Out of excitement Jonah,my monkey,climbs the Troll's left shoulder to the top.

And falls off right back off the left shoulder to where he started (in the above pic). Tumbling. He scraped his arm and was covered head to toe in dirt. More like some sort of dust/dirt which didn't come off with the brush of a hand. Jeez Louis!! We figured we'd call it a day and headed home.
And falls off right back off the left shoulder to where he started (in the above pic). Tumbling. He scraped his arm and was covered head to toe in dirt. More like some sort of dust/dirt which didn't come off with the brush of a hand. Jeez Louis!! We figured we'd call it a day and headed home.