Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's Groundhog Day!

Have you ever seen that movie? Anyway..

The last few months have been a total blur to me. Each day seems just like the one before,and the one before that. Alot of it has to do with dealing Olivia's allergies.

Praise God there has been some distractions to snap me out of my Groundhog Day days.

Jonah started his first year in baseball aka coach pitch. He's taken after his daddy-O in the baseball department and is quite good at it and he loves it. I LOVE sitting on the sidelines cheering him on. Not to mention how adorable these little kids are!! We get some good laughs in. We love the coach for his hard work and that he's actually teaching these kids HOW to play,square up to the plate,hold the bat,line the feet up. If the kid isn't 100% on he walks up and positions him so that the kid can get a feel for the right stance etc. He even said Jonah has a great form when up to bat. tha'd a boy!

When Jonah's out in the field..well..that's a different story. At the first game,Jonah thought no matter what position you played you could run to get the ball. So he'd run as a 3rd baseman out to right field to get the ball. After the 5th time of running across the field Coach set him straight.

or like 2 weeks ago we were watching him stand in right field pretending to catch the ball. I looked down for a couple seconds and looked up when I heard Craig say Jonah's name. I looked at my adorable boy,smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Craig said "don't give him a thumbs up for doing 2 cartwheels in the middle of the play!" The boy doesn't like down time,he wants 100% action...even if he has to create his own ;)

Craig and I were talking one night after baseball started and both had that feeling of change. We don't have any young toddler kids anymore and our kids are getting into extra curricular activities that are keeping us busy,eating dinners on the run, week nights/weekends booked up. It's totally awesome. And there is nothing sexier than seeing your husband bond with his child ;)

Laini just got done with a pottery class through our city's parks & rec. She had alot of fun and made some cool things out of clay. She's artsy anyway so I knew she's have a great time and enjoy herself. Liv's and Jonah even got to make a few thing too. Pretty cool teacher! And last but not least, Olivia just started a summer of gymnastics ;)

I love my family~

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