Saturday, May 22, 2010


my job that is :) Back in December I entered the 'real' workforce for the first time in 11 years! I got the job from another home school mom who also teaches at the kids co-op. It was working for a phone book company doing data entry-entering business names into the computer from newspapers so other people could contact them to renew/or create a new contract with the phonebook. I picked my own days and hours. It was heavenly kinda nice to have a few hours during the week by myself with silence surrounding me. But,once I found out about Olivia's allergies in February and had to form a game plan that second, my whopping 2-3 nights a week plummeted quickly and cooking,bathing every night,putting 2 creams on Olivia 2x a day,researching foods & recipes,Dr. appointments,more Dr. appointments... I was exhausted. Heck..I'm still exhausted but I think I'm getting the hang of being exhausted and functioning.

Craig was fine with whatever I wanted to do. I was a little worried about money,since I got the job to give us a little extra on the side. But when I quit last Sunday and turned in my key,I didn't care about the money (and boy it felt good to know I had one less thing to go do or worry about). My heart was at home so it didn't matter how much I made I knew where I needed to be. My friend who hired me was really awesome and backed me 100% for quitting. Love her!

Then the next day I was talking to my friend,who's little boy I babysit 2x a week and have for years now and she told me next year he'll be in all day preschool so she won't need me. God had been equally preparing me to not watch him next year so it was a relief to both of us :) THEN get this- I have been watching my 2 little nieces (5 & 2.5) pretty much all of May, 2 days after quitting my job at work and deciding not to watch the little boy next year, my sister in law asked me if I wanted to babysit my nieces full time throughout the summer,Mon-Thurs,and then just the 2.5 yr old full time starting in Sept while the 5 yr old goes to all day Kinder. I have wanted to babysit them since the 5 yr old was born,but with babysitting other kids at the time it just didn't work out. Things have come up on her end and apparently on my end also,so I'm free to watch them. So I get to stay home with my kids and get to make some money on top of it and Auntie gets to love on the girls all day and Olivia and her 5 yr old cousin are BFF's :) God is good!

I have been having a hard time staying asleep at night,but these last 2 weeks-after a day with 6 busy kids,once my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light! It's going to be one crazy busy summer but I wouldn't have it any other way because I don't have to be anywhere else but here at home.

Ahhhhh :)


  1. I love it when things work out so nicely! Yay for a fun summer ahead!

  2. It is awesome when God orchestrates things like that :) Glad you are able to be where you want to be now :)
